[GSoC 2017] Coding period Week 6 with gopy@CERN-HSF
Hi, all!
This post is about what I did for on 6th week of the coding period at Google Summer of Code 2017.
For this week, I worked on cffi: Support struct types. A struct is very useful user defined type of Go. So that supporting the struct by gopy is a very important goal for this project. If you want to know more about struct in Go. Please read this documentation.
My approach to support struct types could be divided into 3 steps.
- Generating C definitions of the struct, member methods and member variables which should be exported.
- Generating wrapped Python class for the struct type.
- Generating utility functions which converting between Python class and C.
I submitted a PR for this works after implemented this 3 steps. And Sebastien reviewed codes and left comments for test codes. Also requested generating comments for C definitions.
After review process was done, this PR was merged!!! Now, structs.go could be run on the PyPy and Python3 by CFFI engine.
root@180a6474ebba:~/go/src/github.com/go-python/gopy/_examples/structs# pypy test.py
s = structs.S()
s = structs.S{}
s.Upper('boo')= 'BOO'
s1 = structs.S1()
s1 = structs.S1{private:0}
caught error: 'S1' object has no attribute 'private'
s2 = structs.S2()
s2 = structs.S2{Public:0, private:0}
s2 = structs.S2(1)
s2 = structs.S2{Public:1, private:0}
caught error: S2.__init__ takes at most 1 argument(s)
s2 = structs.S2{Public:42, private:0}
s2.Public = 42
caught error: 'S2' object has no attribute 'private'
On the week 7, I worked on cffi: Support named type. I will talk about it in the next post.
Thank you.
Happy hacking