[GSoC 2017] Coding period Week 7 with gopy@CERN-HSF
Hi, all!
This post is about what I did for on 7th week of the coding period at Google Summer of Code 2017.
For this week, I worked on cffi: Support named type + Pass ‘seq.go’ test. There are two useful types for Go. One is a named type and the other one is an unnamed type. So supporting this types is very important to use this types on Python through gopy.
My approach was generating a Python class for each of named types and generating method protocols for each of named types. Also, I worked for supporting __add__
protocols for a slice type to pass a seqs.go
After my work was merged, CFFI engine of gopy could pass seqs.go
test and named.go
On the week 8, I worked on cffi: Support unnamed types and pass hi.go. I will talk about it in the next post.
Thank you.
Happy hacking